August 21, 2006
Mitch Fatel

Wow. I love Mitch Fatel. Mitch combines 4 of the things I love most about comedians.

1: He’s really smart
2: He’s just dirty enough
3: He’s retarded
4: He loves muffins

No he’s not really retarded, okay maybe just a little. He’s current CD is entitled “Super Retardo,” decide for yourself.

He’s featured on the Tonight Show often and is a very funny person! Just ask him ;)

I had the chance to meet him when I booked him on the radio show
I produce. (Damn I love the power I have to meet the guys I stalk.) Mitch was awesome. Not only was he hysterical on the show, he ate my muffins. *Moan*

I am so happy I had a chance to meet him, he is truely funny and hard worker in his field. I'm thrilled I'll be catching him tape his new TV special “Comedy Central Presents Mitch Fatel.” It tapes Aug 31st 2006 in NYC. I’ts great more people will be exposed to his stand up. He’s great on Leno’s show, but he is really great at the craft of comedy.

Mitch is all over the country touring (at the time of this post) and you should catch him if you have a chance. Buy both his CDS!

Mitch Fatel

Here's the Boobs...

Mitch Signs

Mitch and Lili

Mitch Fatel's signature

Bonus muffin photos!

Mitch Fatel bites my muffin

Mitch Fatel likes my muffins

Posted by lili at 10:15 PM